
An important part of becoming a certified Qualified Patent Information Professional (QPIP) is education and training. In order to support the required skills and knowledge required by QPIPs we have compiled some useful resources.

The Education & Training paper provides an insight into the required skills and knowledge for QPIPs, with suggestions for education and training. In addition to acting as a reference tool for candidates preparing for certification as patent information professionals, it may also prove useful to other patent information practitioners who require specific guidance as part of their continued professional development. Within the paper you will find the syllabus (listing of skills and knowledge required to prepare for the QPIP examinations) defined within two Schedules:

  • Schedule I: Search Skills Syllabus
  • Schedule II: Patent Law and Analysis Skills Syllabus

All courses should contain content that addresses the knowledge and skills of Schedule I and/or Schedule II. In addition, the use of the course level proficiency metric (1) beginner / (2) intermediate / (3) advanced is intended to denote the following:

  • (1) Beginner course refers to knowledge that the participant should already have acquired in the execution of their professional work/activities.
  • (2) Intermediate level is what is required to prepare for the exam.
  • (3) Advanced is the level required to pass the exams.


Accreditation Course List Proposal Form.pdf
Accreditation Evaluation Form.pdf
Education and Training paper (version dated 20200322)_0.pdf
Standards and Criteria for QPIP Training Accreditation (dd 28062020).pdf
Syllabus (Schedule 1 and 2)_0.pdf